Friday, August 3, 2012

Evan's Story, Chapter 25, Jay Leno

Jay Leno
…Retire to thy bed early, that you may not be weary…
Doctrine and Covenants 88-124

   The Easter Seals of San Luis Obispo hired Jay Leno for a fundraising event. The event was a comedy concert at the Performing Arts Center in San Luis Obispo. As part of the promotion, Easter Seals needed a client or two to publicly meet with the famous comedian. The head of the local Easter Seals chapter knew of a family that had two generations of clients, a young man with spina bifida and his nephew, who had a moderate hearing loss. Yes, our very own Evan and Spencer.
   David, Sariah, Spencer, Cindy, Evan, and I were invited to meet Jay Leno before his routine. The idea was to produce publicity photos for Easter Seals. When we were introduced to Jay Leno, Evan didn’t seem overly impressed, so someone asked him if he knew who Jay Leno was. Evan is an “early to bed person”. Very rarely does he ever stay up past eleven, and only then for a social activity. Evan has never watched the Tonight Show, and even if he did, he wouldn’t think a monologue was funny.
   “No,” Evan honestly and bluntly replied. The entourage surrounding Jay Leno reacted with either shocked disbelief or with laughter. How could he not know of the famous Jay Leno?  Jay seemed amused by their reaction. He wasn’t the least bit bothered by Evan’s answer. He did enjoy chatting with us.
   Meanwhile, Spencer was acting very much like a three year old who was up way past his bedtime. Whining kid? Not a problem. He sat Spencer on his knee and bounced him up and down. Spencer laughed out loud, the cameras flashed and the television cameras rolled. On the 11 o’clock KSBY news, for November 5, 2003, Spencer was shown on television with a famous celebrity. Like uncle, like nephew. 

Back row: Mike, Cindy, David,  Tim Smithson, Terry Smithson (Sariah's parents)
Front row: Evan, Spencer, Jay Leno, Sariah

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